Monday 8 October 2018

October 4, 2018 Presentations and Other Relevant Links!

Thank you so much for attending the Edmonton Critical Care Symposium at the Double Tree Hilton on October 4, 2018.
If you are inquiring regarding your Attendance Sheet or Continuing Competencies Form, please find them here:
Speaker Presentations

Our speaker presentations will be uploaded as they are made available to us. Please note all presentations may not be given as per presenter discretion.
  • Fentanyl Crisis-Sgt. Pat Campeau:                        Unable to share presentation as per EPS policy
  • Humboldt Tragedy-Dr. James Stempien-  Coming soon!!

Monday 1 October 2018

ECCS 2018 Evaluation Form-page 2

Evaluation Form:

Use the following rating scale:
                                                                  1             2            3             4
                                                               Poor        Fair       Good     Excellent

    Venue:                                                   1        2       3       4

    Food:                                                     1        2       3       4

    Swag:                                                    1        2        3      4

    Photo booth:                                          1       2        3       4


ECCS 2018 Evaluation Form page 1

Evaluation Form:

Use the following rating scale:
                                                            1          2            3            4
                                                         Poor     Fair      Good     Excellent

Dr. Brian Buchanan- Where sight meets sound                                                   1     2     3     4

Dr. Peter Kwan-Management of Thermal Injury                                                    1     2     3     4

Natalie Buttery-Organ Donation-Part of end of life care?                                     1     2     3     4

Slyvia Carbert SW-Psychological Assessments in liver transplants                     1     2     3     4

Sgt. Pat Campeau EPS- Fentanyl Crisis                                                               1     2     3      4

Mark Raven Jackson-Lawyer-Top 10 pitfalls Nurses face in litigation                 1     2     3     4

Dr. James Stempien- Humboldt Tragedy                                                              1     2     3     4

CARNA Continuing Education Form 2018

Name of Participant

7th Annual Edmonton Critical Care Symposium 2018

Providing education and information to assist members in the 
provision of high quality and safe care of the critical care patient.

Related to Nursing Practice Standard Indicator(s)
PS 2.7-The nurse applies nursing knowledge and skill in 
providing safe, competent, ethical care and service.
PS 2.2-The nurse uses appropriate information and resources
that enhance client care and the achievement of desired client 
PS 5.6-The nurse regularly assess their practice and takes the
necessary steps to improve personal competence..

Date and Length of Program
October 4, 2018    Six (6.0) hours

Offered by
Edmonton Critical care symposium team

Dr. Brian Buchanan                 J. Mark Raven-Jackson, JD                    
Dr. Peter Kwan                        Sgt. Pat Campeau                                            
Natalie Buttery RN                  Dr. James Stempien
Sylvia Carbert SW                           

For Participant Use:

This education will meet my learning objective of:

Evaluation of the impact of this learning on my practice:

Attendance Record 2018

                                        Edmonton  Critical Care Symposium

                                              This certifies that


has attended the 7th annual Critical Care
Symposium in Edmonton , Alberta 
on October 4, 2018

                                                          Kim Ewasiuk
                                                               ECCS 2018 Registrar